Zoom Three Little Birds Soy Candle
Zoom Three Little Birds Soy Candle
Zoom Three Little Birds Soy Candle
Zoom Three Little Birds Soy Candle

Three Little Birds Soy Candle


An ode to my family and heritage, this touch of the tropics will echo Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" and remind you that everything is gonna be alright. Sweet pineapple, light jasmine, and toasty coconut bring the joyous island vibe to you.


Our natural soy candles are crafted with phthalate free fragrances and hand poured in small batches.

- The first time you light your Mango Candle Co. candle, let it burn until all of the wax has melted across the top, this full melt pool will prevent tunneling in the future

- Before you light your candle trim your wick to 1/4" (every time!) for even burning

- Burn candles for a max of 4 hours at a time

- Do not leave a lit candle unattended!

- Keep away from children, pets, drafts, vents, and direct sunlight

- Stop burning your candle when there is only 1/2" of wax remaining...time to reup!

Our small and medium tins are perfect in small spaces such as bedrooms and bathrooms.

Small tin net weight 4oz | 113g burn time ≈ 15-20 hours

Medium tin net weight 5.4oz | 153g burn time ≈ 25-30 hours

Our jars and black glass jars are perfect in small or medium spaces.

Glass jar net weight 7oz | 198g burn time ≈ 40-50 hours

Black glass jar net weight 8.5oz | 240g burn time ≈ 50-60 hours


Our natural soy candles are crafted with phthalate free fragrances and hand poured in small batches.

Candle Care

- The first time you light your Mango Candle Co. candle, let it burn until all of the wax has melted across the top, this full melt pool will prevent tunneling in the future

- Before you light your candle trim your wick to 1/4" (every time!) for even burning

- Burn candles for a max of 4 hours at a time

- Do not leave a lit candle unattended!

- Keep away from children, pets, drafts, vents, and direct sunlight

- Stop burning your candle when there is only 1/2" of wax remaining...time to reup!


Our small and medium tins are perfect in small spaces such as bedrooms and bathrooms.

Small tin net weight 4oz | 113g burn time ≈ 15-20 hours

Medium tin net weight 5.4oz | 153g burn time ≈ 25-30 hours

Our jars and black glass jars are perfect in small or medium spaces.

Glass jar net weight 7oz | 198g burn time ≈ 40-50 hours

Black glass jar net weight 8.5oz | 240g burn time ≈ 50-60 hours

Three Little Birds Soy Candle


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Three Little Birds - Great Scent

I enjoy this scent because it has a strong body fragrance before you light it. I mostly use this candle for my living room. During the evening to fill the room after cooking, listing to some music, or having a few friends over, its great for a big space and a mood setter.

Wanda Gispert
Coming back for more!

I ordered the black candles to match my decor but what I got was so much more. The candles look very expensive and match my living room perfectly and the aroma is spectacular even before you light it. I have decided to order them as gifts since all of my family try to steal them when they visit. This is definitely a go-to item for future housewarming gifts for any gender.